Association for Rural Regenerative Development.
Mission Statement: co-create a rural culture in which the principles of regenerative development are central.
Goal: to support and develop human activities in the rural context that are rooted in an understanding of regenerative processes and a healthy lasting relationship between people and nature.
What Ruralisar does: Ruralisar is an organization that develops, supports and co-creates projects that are in line with its mission. This includes research and development of projects that support an ecological, economical and socially sustainable/regenerative way of life.
The association is run by and for people who want the rural domain to be a place with a vibrant cultural life, strong civil engagement, an eco-literate population and a strong circular economy. The association it is set up to serve people that are connected to the rural world and to support efforts that bring the concept of regeneration into the center of rural culture and development.
Challenges and Qualities
The awareness is growing that we need to learn to develop regenerative systems for humanities life support and how our activities can become an integral part of nature's dynamics. Regenerative development is an inspiring field of learning about interdependence and how systems create their own resources (regenerate) so they can keep functioning and have a future.
With Ruralisar we want to contribute to the regenerative revolution in the rural context. As an association it is set up to serve people that are connected to the rural world and to support efforts that bring the concept of regeneration into the center of rural culture and development.
Ruralis was founded to make contribution to regenerative development* in the rural domain. The project was born out of the need to better understand how the rural is affected by current social, economic and environmental developments and to come up with strategies and activities that support a more regenerative culture in this domain.
The rural is facing a specific set of challenges that put it at a disadvantage when it comes to cultural, social, environmental and economic agency. These challenges include brain drain, unsustainable forestry and agricultural practices, land-grabbing, abandonment, lack of innovation, etc. It also possesses however specific qualities such as proximity to nature, small communities, space to grow food, healthy environment etc.
Questões centrais no trabalho de Ruralisar:
- What kind of cultural, economic and social activities can support cultural vitality and sustainable/ regenerative ways of living in the rural context?
- What does a vibrant cultural and social life in the rural context look like?
- How to strengthen and generate a livelihood from the specific qualities of the rural context? Like the closeness to nature, the rural traditions and small communities.
- How can we generate a 21st century rural identity rooted in a sense of belonging, pride and an interconnectedness with the natural world?
* Regenerative Development
The processes and goal of regeneration are guiding the work of more and more people every day. The awareness is growing that we need to learn to develop regenerative systems for humanities life support and how our activities can become an integral part of nature's dynamics. Regenerative development is an inspiring field of learning about interdependence and how systems create their own resources (regenerate) so they can keep functioning and have a future.
More information about regenerative development.